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  • Nicola Joy Taverner

Why you don’t have to worry about your kid’s behaviour during a session....

Updated: Jan 12

Kids will be kids. How many times have you heard that statement? But it’s true. Kids will behave immaturely and childishly – they are children, after all. They love to play, explore, and have fun. They are often energetic and high-spirited. It would be unfair to expect them to behave.

One of my main goals as a family photographer is keep your session as fun and stress free as possible. The last thing I want you to worry about is how your kids will behave during your photo session!

Listen, I know you’re thinking:

“…but my baby is teething and protesting naps!”

“… but my three-year-old has hit a very difficult stage and says “NO” to everything!”

“…but my five-year-old NEVER stays still for more than two seconds!”

“…but my eight-year-old is SUPER shy!”

I’m proud to say that I’m an expert in my field of photography. I’ve photographed hundreds of families so I have plenty of experience with working with children of all ages and personalities!

I have a special knack for making babies smile, getting shy and anxious children to feel relaxed and comfortable, helping three-year-olds to chill out when they are on the edge of a tantrum, and getting an angsty tween or teen to crack some real smiles.

I’m a bit of a baby/child whisperer with more than a few tricks up my sleeve and I’ve yet to photograph a kid who doesn’t like me!

Your family session can take place at your home or outside in nature so it’s more than ok to allow your kids to act up! I encourage jumping on beds, tickling, playing with leaves, running and even wrestling if it cracks a good smile . If you follow my work then you know I love to photograph REAL LIFE!


Seriously. Just relax and be your quirky-silly-fun-chaotic-selves. I want to capture your children’s personalities and real smiles and even their goofy and grumpy faces!

When you book a photo session with me, there are no strict time constraints. I set aside at least two hours for our private session.

I am guilty of getting hangry and I can tell when your 6-month-old needs to be nursed or a bottle and your three-year-old needs his bottle or a snack. So, although I encourage you to feed everyone before the sessions it’s more than ok to stop, chill and take a moment.

I can promise you that there is no time like the present to document this beautifully imperfect, endearing, chaotic family life. We will always have excuses that cause us to put off preserving family memories. So do yourself a favour and make it happen...

Do you have questions or concerns about a photo session? Please get in touch to ask me anything or to book your session!

Are you on Instagram! Let’s connect over there! Head over here to have a look at my family galleries!

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